In college, when I first discovered oil pulling, it was a reaction just like every one else’s… “What in the world is oil pulling?” After I looked into it more, the concept became clear. I thought to myself, “Okay, it’s like mouthwash but you use oil.” I let the concept brew in my mind and then realized how much I despise oily foods! I thought there would be no way that I’m sticking a whole spoonful of oil into my mouth.
But for those of you that don’t know me, I am pretty brave when it comes to trying new things. I like the all or nothing method. So one morning I grabbed my coconut oil, a spoon, and scooped a big chunk of oil into my mouth. I instantly spat it out because it was disgusting. After that I knew oil pulling wasn’t for me… that is, until I decided to give it another try.
The second time I tried oil pulling I melted the coconut oil first, took a few deep breaths and put it in my mouth. I started swishing it around and it wasn’t that bad. About 15-20 minutes later I spat it out, brushed my teeth, and experienced a sparkly clean feeling I haven’t experienced before! And folks, I have been hooked ever since.
Little did I know that the sparkly clean feeling was just the beginning of the benefits of oil pulling! Since I’ve been oil pulling on a daily basis my teeth are whiter, breath is fresher, teeth are smoother, and my gums have stopped receding. Even the dentist said my teeth are looking better than ever!
Now my daily routine includes oil pulling right when I hop out of bed in the morning. When you begin oil pulling on a daily basis you will see things happen in your body that surprise you. My sinuses have become clearer and my skin is brighter. I even feel a surge of energy when I do oil pulling! It gets my day going in the right direction. Who knew swishing oil in your mouth could be so awesome?
Oil pulling originated in Ayurvedic medicine thousands of years ago but was introduced in the states in the early 1990’s by Dr. F. Karach. It has tremendous healing effects not only for the mouth, but also in the sinuses and the entire body. The medicinal properties of coconut oil draw toxins out of your body cleansing the system and reducing inflammation. Research done by Dr. Bruce Fife has concluded that oil pulling can help with oral health, skin conditions, asthma, sinus problems, headaches, chronic infections, hormones, liver disease, and more.
Oil pulling is an easy and cheap way to better your oral health and overall health! I don’t know about you, but who wouldn’t want whiter teeth? Because of the benefits I’ve seen personally from oil pulling I can say without a doubt that I will be doing this for the rest of my life. Now it’s your time to get started!
How To Do Oil Pulling:
- Take a deep breath (as you will be breathing through your nose for the next 15-20 minutes)!
- Put 1-2 teaspoons of oil into your mouth (I prefer to use coconut oil but sesame oil can be used also). *Note: because coconut oil is solid at room temperature you can melt it on the stove or run the jar under warm water to soften it. I am at the point where I just put it in my mouth at room temperature and let the heat of my mouth melt the oil before I begin swishing.
- Swish the oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.You want to swish the oil long enough to draw toxins out so 15-20 minutes will do the trick. The oil should be a cloudy white color when you spit it out.
- Spit the oil into the toilet or trash can. Be sure not to swallow any of the oil as it is now filled with toxins and bacteria! *Why not spit in the sink? You don’t want to spit the oil into the sink because coconut oil solidifies at room temperature and can clog drains. If you do spit in the sink, make sure to run plenty of hot water down the drain after.
- Rinse mouth with warm water to get rid of any remaining oil in the mouth.
- Brush teeth thoroughly to remove any additional bacteria. I even make my own toothpaste with coconut oil!
- Use a tongue scraper
after you brush your teeth to clean the tongue and detoxify even more! I recommend Dr. Tung’s Tongue Scraper
- Smile big and check out those pearly whites!
- Repeat daily.
When you first start oil pulling you may notice sinus drainage during the process which is totally normal! This is your body expelling mucous and ridding the body of bacteria. It’s a good thing!
If you feel that 15-20 minutes is a long time to do oil pulling, try to do it in conjunction with something else. I found that doing it while in the shower, reading my morning devotion, folding laundry, or doing dishes can help pass the time. With time, you won’t even think twice about it and oil pulling will become just another daily routine!
If you want to learn more about oil pulling and it’s benefits check out the book “Oil Pulling Therapy” written by Dr. Bruce Fife.
Happy oil swishing!
With joy and health,