Do you ever have those days where you wake up feeling extra lethargic with stuffed up sinuses and a headache? Ah, the dreaded cold – a viral sickness that doctors say, “ it just takes time to get better”. But what if you could kill the cold before it gets to the point of 300 tissues and a red, chapped nose? Or even worse… when it turns into a sinus infection and maybe even bronchitis. Or what if you could build your immune system to the point where you rarely get sick at all?
With my immunity boosting tips you can kill your sickness before it even manifests in your body. These are tested and true natural ways to reduce the viral load in your body so you don’t have to let sickness get in the way of your busy, active lifestyle.
1) Rest
As soon as you feel a sickness coming on, listen to your body and rest. I know it can be hard to say no to social activities, but it’s vital to get enough rest and sleep. When you are sleeping, your body is rebuilding itself. It’s resting from the work it had to do during the day and preparing for the day that’s coming up. Your body needs relaxation in order to de-stress and re-charge. Think of sleep like your body’s way of charging itself. Just like our phones need to be charged for them to work, our bodies need sleep to function properly. Aim for 7-9 hours every night, or if you are fighting a sickness get no less than 9.
2) Vitamin C, please!
Lemons, oranges, bell peppers, berries… vitamin C is what our body NEEDS to combat sickness. The immune system craves it. If you eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies I can assure you that you are getting some vitamin C, but not enough. It’s important to boost your vitamin C intake with a whole food Vitamin C supplement to make sure you’re getting enough every day. Vitamin C is one of the essential supplements I always recommend for my clients. The antioxidants found in this supplement are important for the immune system and the health of tissues throughout the body. Many supplements are synthetic and made in a lab, but this specific supplement is whole foods based from camu camu berry, cherries, blueberries, and cranberries, among other things. Your body will recognize it much better than a synthetic vitamin C. Supplements aren’t effective unless your body absorbs it, and this Vitamin C great for absorption. I recommend Pure Synergy Pure Radiance Whole Food Vitamin C
3) Elderberry power.
Elderberries are a powerhouse for the immune system. They are very high in Vitamin C which builds the immune system and combats viral infections. Elderberry syrup is an easy way to incorporate theses powerful berries into your lifestyle. 1 teaspoon per day is an effective way to maintain your immune health and 2 teaspoons per day is important to kick up your immune system to combat any viruses in the body. Elderberry syrup is your body’s new best friend! I recommend Gaia Herbs Elderberry Syrup
4) Soup does a body good.
There’s something comforting about soup when you’re sick. Not only is soup warming to the soul, but also the type of soup you have can greatly impact your immune system in a positive way. My Healing Vegetable Soup is something I always make when I am feeling run down or getting sick. Eat plenty of soup to soothe your sickness and feed your soul 🙂
5) Hydrate
Water cleanses the body and keeps your organs healthy. Dehydration can wreak havoc on your immune system, so staying hydrated is very important. The more water you drink, the more toxins will filter out of your system. Drink 34 ounces per 50 pounds of body weight daily – and even more if you’re fighting a sickness! To enhance the healing powers of your water, add a few drops of Trace Minerals to provide the body with essential minerals that will boost the immune system.
6) Herbal remedies.
Herbs are very medicinal to the body – they are nature’s medicine! A particular product, Kick Ass Immune is AMAZING. Whenever I feel like I’m getting sick, this is always my go-to. Filled with immune-boosting herbs, it kick-starts the immune system to go into high gear and rid the body of any bad bacteria or viruses. I notice an improvement right away. You can have it daily for health maintenance or before you travel to boost the immune system and fight off anything that comes your way. 3 droppers full in 4 ounces of water will do the trick! Wish Garden Herbs Kick Ass Immune Activator
is something you should always have stocked in your medicine cabinet.
7) Greens, greens, and more greens!
Alkalinity is the key to a strong immune system. Sickness cannot survive in an alkaline state. The more greens you have in your diet, the more alkaline your body will be. Smoothies, salads, and sautéed greens are all great ways to incorporate greens into your system. Not only are greens alkalizing, but greens are packed with vitamins and minerals to support the body’s natural immune defense. Spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, arugula, dandelion greens, romaine lettuce, watercress, and Bok Choy are all great options to add more greens into your diet.
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With joy and health,