Last Saturday, June 7th, I celebrated a very important day. Four years ago I survived a blood infection known as Toxic Shock Syndrome. Three years ago, my mother, became cancer free. June 7th is a day that her and I celebrate together. We celebrate life, we celebrate mercy, and we celebrate Jesus. I truly believe that every human on this earth has a purpose. My mother and I beat the odds and survived diseases that many people don’t. We survived by the grace of God alone. We know we are blessed and we are truly thankful each and every day. The picture above is my mother and I celebrating at the San Francisco Giants game last weekend 🙂
There is something about celebrating life that brings up a lot of emotions. Happy, sad, funny, scary… it’s quite the mix. I think about my moments in the ER where I thought I was going to die and looked back at my 20 years of life thinking, “That’s it?”. For those of you who haven’t experienced the feeling of thinking you are going to die, it’s scary. Your life comes flooding through your memory and you think about the people you’ve hurt, the mistakes you’ve made, and the things you didn’t get to do…. Regret in its most real form. I also thought about the people in my life that treated me bad and wondered why I allowed it. Despite the sad and scary emotions, I also had a flood of gratitude. There were so many good memories I had to look back on.
My family was there with me in the ER before I was taken into the ICU in critical condition. I remember my older brother telling me that everything was going to be okay. I believed him. I survived the night and spent 7 more days in the hospital. My family has always been my rock. My dad, my mom, and my brother have taught me more than I can ever thank them for. The 7 days I spent in the ICU at the hospital changed me… physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Four years later, here I am today. The past 4 years contained a lot of ups and downs. I’ve battled with anxiety, PTSD, and a multitude of health issues. In the last year I’ve graduated college, started a business, ended a long-term relationship, and moved to a different city. You could say that my life has changed dramatically. My point is this: My battles have led me to my dreams.
It’s often the hardships that teach us the most about ourselves and about life in general. As humans, we tend to look at the hard times and wonder why those had to happen. For me, if it weren’t for almost losing my life, I wouldn’t have gotten a nutrition degree and started my own business! I don’t believe that anything bad comes from God. God is pure love. What I do know is that God can allow bad things to happen if He knows good will come from it. God knew that my illness would bring me to my life’s purpose so He allowed me to go through that. I also know that God was with me in those trials. It may sound strange, but I thank God for what I went through. As hard as it is, I wouldn’t change a thing. God has blessed me through all of my experiences and for that I am eternally grateful.
I hope that no matter what you may be going through in your life that you will know God is with you. It’s not as bad as it seems. See the light in the darkness and know that God will bring you through it. In my case, God turned a terrible situation into a beautiful one. Who’s to say He won’t do that for you? I urge you to be thankful no matter what trials you are facing. A Christian author, Jefferson Bethke said it best, “Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy.”
Be thankful for your life. The term has become so cliché, but don’t take anything or anyone for granted. If you love someone, tell them. If you are happy, shout it on the rooftops. If you are hurting, press on and stay strong. Appreciate each and every day you are given. Good or bad, it’s all a part of God’s perfect plan.
I hope this leaves you feeling inspired. Whatever it is you may be going through… if you have Jesus in your heart, I know He will see you through it. Blessings to you all.
In health and love,