“Lauren brought so much into my life. She gave me the tools to get my life back, and I am eternally grateful for her.”
Lauren came into my life after I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I had just gotten out of the hospital and was struggling with all the different advice I was getting regarding how best to beat cancer. Lauren was like a breathe of fresh air! I knew I needed to improve my eating habits, and Lauren helped me understand what foods help fuel my body, helped it heal and what can cause harm. She wasn’t just there for the food either, she was a huge part of my support system. She always checked in on me after treatments, encouraged me to share how I was feeling, and comforted me when I was struggling. Lauren brought so much into my life. She gave me the tools to get my life back, and I am eternally grateful for her. After 6 months with Lauren and 12 chemo sessions I am in remission. If you want to get into a routine, learn how to nourish your body, and learn to love and embrace yourself call Lauren!
Katie W.