“Lauren makes sure that the decisions you make together last for a lifetime. She really becomes your partner in crime, truly helping you make quality lifestyle changes.”
Just WOW! If I could describe my experience in one word working with Lauren, it would be TRANSFORMATIONAL!
I have had the unique pleasure of knowing Lauren for 12 years prior to working with her, and let me tell you--she has ALWAYS been extremely gifted with connecting with people on a deeper level, empathizing with them to build trust, and encouraging others to be the best version of themselves. Seeing her build upon these strengths over a decade now has been completely inspiring. Creating a life-changing experience for clients to really take ownership of their health in every sense of the word, then experiencing it myself?--Lauren, I am in complete awe of you, and I am eternally grateful for the significant lessons I have learned in our 10 weeks together! God created such a special human being when He created you, and gave you such a powerful mission to help others to truly transform from the inside out.
Lauren is truly unmatched in what she does as a nutrition coach, because it goes beyond the kitchen and your typical 'input, output' food saga. She focuses on meeting you where you are at first, really helping both you and her understand the root motivations and issues you might be facing when it comes to your health journey and everyday lifestyle. From stress management, internal dialogue awareness, self-image building exercises, to time blocking, relationship development, food prep and recipe education, and everything else in between, Lauren makes sure that the decisions you make together last for a lifetime. She really becomes your partner in crime, truly helping you make quality lifestyle changes.
After our time together, I have now developed an amazing morning routine that has increased my energy productivity, exercise performance, and emotional stability. She has taught me to prioritize sleep, personal down time, space for emotional exploration, and really practice self forgiveness-- as you will be working on some significant habit changes which takes a lot of grace! My awareness of hidden toxicities and how to create a cleaner space for my body to grow has been a HUGE lesson. Also, I have lost 10 lbs and counting, had decreased menstrual symptoms, and have grown my intuition of mind, body and spirit connection exponentially. Lauren has even helped me grow my relationship with Jesus (if that is something that is a priority for you), that has helped transform me from the inside out believe it or not! I make smarter choices, love myself more, and love other people more because of the impact she has had on my life. Thank you again Lauren!
I truly can go on and on about how much I have learned from Lauren and how AMAZING she is, but it would be 100% worth your time to find out yourself and take the steps today to radically transform your life like you've always wanted to do. It really is possible, especially with Lauren by your side.
Katie W.